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Preventing Accidental Poisoning

America’s poison help lines received over 3.1 million calls in 2013 alone. While accidental poison exposure of children younger than the age of 6 accounted for nearly 50 percent of incidents, kids weren’t the only ones in harm’s way. Ninety-two percent of reported...

Before You Hire a Temporary Employee

Seasonal and temporary workers have always been common in industries such as manufacturing, construction, landscaping and retail. However, since the recession, more employers—including those who traditionally employed permanent professionals—have turned to temps and...

Seen our Ads lately?

We’re running two new advertisements in the area!  Head on over to the Hill Country Visitor’s Center to check us out, for those of you new to the area. You can also find us in the Comfort Chamber of Commerce Directory, with a full page color listing! We...

Should You Buy Disability Insurance?

What would happen if you were permanently injured or became too ill to work? You might qualify for disability payments from Social Security, but would you be able to survive on the average payout ($1,165/month as of April 2015)? Maybe you have some savings, but would...